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Libera Me

Libera Me / one must know the history


The interviews were recorded for the documentary Libera Me (2015) in which both Indonesian and Dutch veterans reflect on the Indonesian War of Independence. Libera Me was shown at Museum Bronbeek (2015) as part and reflection within the exhibition War! From the East Indies to Indonesia 1945 – 1950.


The interviews discuss events and experiences in the years 1920 – 2015 with a focus on 1945 – 1949. They mainly discuss the Netherlands and Indonesia. Themes include Dutch colonial rule, Indonesian war of independence, Indonesian revolution, reflection, resentment, fallen soldiers, loss of family, grief, guerrillas, firing squad, executions, role of the Dutch government, recognition, recolonization, colonial system, crime, struggle for independence, KNIL, TNI, Special Forces Corps, artist.


Documentary Libera Me