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Proud of Darp

Darp is in 1948 opnieuw opgebouwd (foto: archief Oud Meppel)

The Drenthe village of Darp has an eventful history closely linked to the Second World War. The old village was evacuated during the war and the houses were demolished in connection with the construction of a German airfield, and it was not until 1948 that houses reappeared.

Wim van der Wijk wrote a book about it in 2018 together with some fellow villagers, entitled Proud of Darp. “The inhabitants received a letter from the municipal administration that everyone had to be gone by six o’clock on 25 July 1944. The population was dispersed. They ended up in Ruinerwold, Havelte and Steenwijk, for example. Cattle were also dispersed. People just had to leave.” A total of 33 houses were demolished, destroying the village.