afl. 1: The Mistake of Troelstra
In 1917, things are rumbling across Europe. The Russian Tsar has to step down, in Austria the throne is tottering. Social revolution seems imminent. Things get noisy in the Netherlands too. In starving Amsterdam, the potato riot breaks out. For a while in November 1918, it looked like the wave of revolution would spread to the Netherlands from Russia and Germany. Anxious SDAP leaders think the revolution is imminent and drop their foreman; Orange hysteria does the rest. The revolution fails.
Historical excerpts from and interviews with:
This episode is about conscientious objection in the years surrounding World War I and just after, the International Anti-Militarist Association (IAMV), Church and Peace, the anti-Fleet Act demonstration, and the confusion surrounding the Spanish Civil War.
Historical excerpts from and interviews with:
The rise of the radio marked a breakthrough in mass entertainment. In 1919, Ir. A. a Steringa Idzerda was the first to experiment with the new medium, providing some trial broadcasts from Utrecht (later The Hague). In 1923, the Hilversumsche Draadloze Omroep took over that task and broadcast on airtime leased by the Nederlandsche Seintoestellen Fabriek on its transmitter in Hilversum.
In this way, the NSF wanted a regular programme to sell more radio sets. The AVRO emerged from the HDO in 1928. By then, it had been joined by the NCRV (1924), KRO and VARA (1925) and the V.P.R.O. (1926). in 1930, government broadcasting time was divided proportionally between the four major broadcasters (minus V.P.R.O.). About these early days of radio and the competition between them, Mr Jaap den Daas (AVRO), Herman Felderhof (AVRO) and Ger Bakker (VARA) tell.
As for the content of the programmes, the main focus is on entertainment, which was seen as the main task of the new medium. Jaap den Daas invented the successful AVRO revue programme ‘De Bonte Dinsdagavondtrein’.
Interviews with:
Music and radio play excerpts from: Bob Scholte, Louis Davids, Johan Buziau, Snip&Snap, Jack Hilton Orkest, Kees Puris, Ome Keesje (Willem van Cappellen), Huib Wouters (= Martin Beversluis, not authentic), Concertgebouw Orchestra olv Willem Mengelberg.
Low wages and arrogant bosses on one side. Increasing awareness among workers on the other. They created a long line of fierce industrial disputes across the country. One of them was the 1929 farm workers’ strike in East Groningen. Together with Jaap Meulenkamp, Kees Slager went back to northeastern Groningen.
Meulenkamp was the son of one of the strike leaders in Finsterwolde, and experienced the strike himself as a small boy. He wrote the booklet: ‘Wie willen boas blieven’, about that strike, the longest agricultural workers’ strike in the national history.
Also interviews with Ms P. Dorenkamp and Mr E. Kolk, who reminisce about the life of farm workers in those days and the strike.
The New Malthusian League opposed in word and deed the propaganda, especially from denominational quarters, for the big family, which often also resulted in great impoverishment.
Interviews with:
Despite crisis, strikes, monetary devaluation and austerity, in 1932 the Netherlands completed something the whole world looked at with admiration: the Afsluitdijk
‘A nation that lives, builds its future,’ was chiselled into the monument. And who cares about a few protesting fishermen?”
On the completion of the Afsluitdijk (in 1932) and what preceded it.
Interviews with:
In 1929, panic breaks out at the New York Stock Exchange, which will lead to a global crisis. The effects are also felt in the Netherlands. In the 1930s, the Netherlands has an average of about half a million unemployed, many of whom receive no government support. Conditions in many families are harrowing. This programme covers the misery in working-class families, government control of welfare recipients, attempts to limit spending somewhat (shutting down gas meters, proletarian shopping), the flare-up of resistance to Colijn’s punitive rule, and eventually the bursting of the bomb in Amsterdam’s Jordaan and Rotterdam’s Crooswijk, riots spreading to other parts of the country. The quelling of the uprisings and the effects of resistance.
Interviews with and historical footage of:
About the political confusion after World War I, the rise of communism and the rise of fascism that put order in a number of countries (Salazar in Portugal, Mussolini in Italy, Primo de Rivera and Franco in Spain, Hitler in Germany). The somewhat difficult formation of the NSB, with leader Anton Mussert. The anti-fascist movements Antifa (communist), Antifo (socialist) and Freedom, Labour, Bread (social democrats). On the tussles between NSB members and anti-fascists. About the somewhat more moderate opposition to fascism by ‘Unity through Democracy’. On the NSB’s dwindling following and the growing threat of war. On sabotage actions in the Rotterdam port.
Interviews with and historical material from: