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‘What do you actually know about me?’

Baby Pam van der Veen met haar moeder Marjan. Beeld privéarchief Pam van der Veen



During the months when her husband is at sea, Marjan van der Veen, the mother of journalist and podcast creator Pam van der Veen, writes him airmail letters. A box containing some three hundred letters turns out to be in the attic after her death. With the text: for Pam.

It is a golden find, the letters provide a wonderful time picture of housewife life in the 1960s and 1970s. And of the emancipation of a smart woman like Marjan in a Dutch village.

The podcast Wat weet jij eigenlijk van mij? features excerpts from letters and also features Pam’s father Charles and friends of her mother. You hear the past passing by: oral history at its best.