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Women of Almere

Portraits of women from Almere with a migration background

Video with introduction of Women of Almere


project women of almere

From 14 October 2021 to the beginning of March 2022, city archive Almere presents Women of Almere, an exhibition with 50 portraits of women from Almere who, like photographer Lyla Carrillo Quan – van der Kaaden, came to Almere from another country. The exhibition consists of photo portraits, audio recordings with life stories of the women and a cultural side programme.


The exhibition can be seen from 14 October 2021 onwards in the Stadsarchief on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 13.00 – 17.00 hours. Especially for this exhibition, the City Archives will also be open a number of times on Saturdays, the first time on Saturday 16 October from 11.00 hours.