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Forms – consent & ownership?


Expanded and in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)



Stories in motion



Consent form interviews

  1. In order to allow the interviews to be used, each interviewee must fill in a consent form, giving permission for the (entire) interview to be made available. 
  2. If there are excerpts from the interview that the interviewee does not wish to make available, or in which he/she does not want to be seen recognisably, the interviewee can indicate this on the consent form.
  3. The interviewee may also indicate that some documents will not be accessible for another ten or twenty years.
  4. Finally, the interviewee may indicate that the interview is only to be made available to registered researchers, for example.



Interview ownership and use agreement

Interviewers who work freelance for a project are regarded as creators for copyright purposes. Therefore, interviewers must declare that the interviews he or she conducts on behalf of an organisation or a specific project become the property of that organisation.


Workflow interviews

A schematic representation of the steps you need to take for an oral history interview.

From choosing a person to interview to depositing all the files in an archive.