Annegriet Wietsma is an award-winning filmmaker, writer and trainer of Oral History interview techniques with more than 30 years of experience. She makes series and documentaries for film houses and television (among others Andere Tijden, Tuan Papa, Just People). Initiator of the project Author of the podcast De Deventer Mediazaak (2021) about the consequences of the media-hype for those involved in the Deventer murder case.
Co-director of various historical television series: De Strijd; de gouden eeuw van de arbeider (VARA, 2015), Hoop en Wanhoop in het Midden-Oosten (NTR, 2018), Vrouw op Mars; honderd jaar vrouwenemancipatie (BNNVARA, 2018), De strijd om het Binnenhof (The Battle for the Inner Court) (NTR, 2020).
In her work she frequently uses the interview technique of Oral History.
A practical training course in Oral History Interview Techniques. Two-day workshop full of examples, illustrations, exercises and feedback.
Organisations that want to teach their supporters how to conduct Oral History interviews. The workshops are always customised, tailored to the preferences of the client, the topic of the Oral History project and the experience level of the participants.
More information, consultation and costs on request,
amongst others:
Ministry of VWS War Heritage, Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland, Landschapsbeheer Flevoland, Landschapsbeheer Gelderland, Provincial Historic Centre Zuid-Holland, Regionaal Archief Nijmegen, Regionaal Archief Leiden, Gelegerd in Gelderland, CultuurExpress Maas&Waal, Kunst & Cultuur Overijssel, St BMP, St Rotterdam Vertelt, ARK Natuurontwikkeling