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Search and analysis tools

The CLARIAH Media Suite

The Media Suite is a research environment of the Dutch infrastructure for digital humanities and social sciences (CLARIAH). It facilitates academic research with large Dutch media collections by providing advanced search and analysis tools.


The CLARIAH Media Suite is an application for doing research with data collections. It is intended exclusively for use by scholars and students at universities and higher education institutions (e.g. film, television, and other media scholars, oral historians, and political historians). They can log in to the Media Suite with their university credentials.


But others may also find the Media Suite useful, such as staff of institutes that offer data collections. They get access rights to their own collections. Or citizen scientists who may be interested in the open access collections that are available.


As well as being used as a transcription tool, ELAN is suitable as a more general linguistic annotation tool. These annotations can be anything the user wants: they can be codes, key moments, memos, but also transcriptions.

It also enables multi-layer transcription. In ELAN you can create so-called ‘tiers’ for different speakers.

Some features:

  • ELAN several ways to view the annotations, each view is connected to and synchronised with the media timeline
  • ELAN supports the creation of multiple tiers and tiers hierarchies
  • ELAN supports Controlled Vocabularies