Example minimum standard:
Metadata is essential for access to oral history collections and for the reuse of a collection’s source material.
An important question is: Which metadata needs to be recorded and how?
Information about all kinds of underlying data of oral history interviews is essential for compiling, managing and finding a collection or interview.
There are roughly four different parts of metadata:
descriptive, administrative, and structural
Bij oral history verwijzen beschrijvende metadata naar informatie over het interview of het besproken onderwerp.
Technical metadata refers to the technical information that makes up the (digital) data file containing the interview, such as file type, codec, file size and resolution.
Administrative metadata ensures that items are categorised and ordered. These metadata refer to information related to issues such as rights management.
Structural metadata refers to how individual components relate to the whole. Structural metadata is used to influence search results on the Internet or in an internal system, for example by the use of labels (tags) to improve findability.