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30 years after the Bijlmer plane crash – Commemoration in generations

October 4, 2022 marks exactly thirty years since a Boeing 747 of airline El Al crashed into the Groeneveen and Klein-Kruitberg flats in Amsterdam’s Bijlmermeer. A devastating event that many people still carry with them today. The exhibition reflects the feelings that Amsterdammers have about the disaster. How do they remember it? And how do different generations process this trauma?


Opening September 25, 2022, this small exhibition is part of the Collecting the City project. This project sees the Amsterdam Museum “collecting” and presenting the stories and objects of today’s city together with communities, individuals and institutions from Amsterdam.


More info about the exposition


House of Hiv

From August 19 to September 9, 2022, House of HIV launched an exhibition on 40 years of community initiatives in the Netherlands. Divided over a number of locations in Amsterdam, rooms were filled with personal stories from the various HIV-affected communities.

From 2020 onwards, House of Hiv has been researching and interviewing the histories of affected HIV communities. The challenge was to create an inclusive exhibition. Where they would make the invisible visible.


House of Hiv is a house under construction and a starting point in archiving and documenting the histories of the Dutch HIV community.


More information can be found on the website


From There & From Here


Yvette Kopijn van stichting Zieraad


In 2020 is het 75 jaar geleden dat er een einde kwam aan de Tweede Wereldoorlog in voormalig Nederlands-Indië. De daaropvolgende Dekolonisatieoorlog zette de dekolonisatie van Nederlands-Indië in gang. Deze periode heeft grote impact gehad op de levens van vele mensen in Indonesië en Nederland.



De tentoonstelling ‘Van Daar & Van Hier’ laat zien hoe deze gebeurtenissen het leven van jonge Limburgers met Indische en Molukse wortels vandaag nog steeds beïnvloedt.



See images of significant and remarkable organ men and women in the exhibition Street scene of the Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement.


As part of the Oral History Project about the street organ culture in the Netherlands, several interviews were held with several famous organ men and women. The street organ culture is a beautiful culture that should not be lost, and a large part of this culture is in the people.

Watch the videos in which Tine and Leon Perlee, Ruud Brienen, Joop Budding, Jan Kees de Ruijter, Pieter van Aken and Franky Vlaeminck, among others, tell their stories. A beautiful time document, which goes back as far as the interviewees can remember. We record a part of the Dutch history of street organs, through the stories of organ builders and restorers, operators, organ grinders and enthusiasts, including the youngest generation.


The Oral History Project is part of the exhibition Street Organ, which is now on display in the museum. Three of the total of eight interviews can be seen in the exhibition.


Watch the videos of the Oral History Project here.

More episodes can be found on the YouTube channel of Museum Speelklok or on the video page.