Seventy-five stories, one for each year we live in freedom. Together they give a good picture of the impact of World War II on society. These stories form the starting point for a Brabant-wide program and the (inter)national campaign Brabant Remembers. Together with municipalities and partners, these stories will be translated into an innovative cultural program in 2019-2020. The aim is to transfer the impact of the Second World War, to make it tangible and understandable, and thus to reach the younger generations.
With the 75 personal stories, creators, artists and policy makers will be inspired. With the goal that a broad and numerous national and international audience can experience 75 personal life-changing war stories at 75 locations in 2019 and 2020. So that people can learn from the dilemmas that ordinary people faced in unusual circumstances and see how thinking outside the box can lead to unprecedented highs and lows.
With Brabant Remembers, the stories of the past are used as a source of inspiration and starting point for choices that must be made now. The emotional impact of the past becomes palpable and the link is made to contemporary challenges.
Brabant Remembers is an initiative of the Crossroads Brabant ’40-’45 Foundation and is made possible by the Province of North Brabant and vfonds. Brabant Remembers is a partner of Europe Remembers.